10 Tips To Handle Crypto Market Choppiness

cryptocurrencies crash

Crypto markets had to teak a serious beating this week with the largest one day decline since the Corona crash. These are tough markets conditions which are hard to stomach for those that were still fully invested after the crash on Wednesday. If anything, InvestingHaven premium crypto research members got multiple recommendations in the last 4 weeks to take profits. If you are wondering how to handle your personal situation we may have some tips for you at this point.

Before we share the 10 tips we also shared with our premium crypto research members we want to share this one insight that was shared in our investing research service. Exactly one week ago, on Saturday May 15th, early in the morning, when the entire world was enjoying weekend, we were working to make our members aware of the danger(s) we were seeing. This is what we wrote, and we include the chart we sent back then:

If we zoom in we see that BTC might move one level lower, again IF its support level at 47-48k does not hold.

Again, below chart was sent on Saturday 05.15, and the purple area was our first price target in case 47-48k didn’t hold. There was no recovery, which implies that the market was eager to go lower.

Below is the same chart, updated yesterday:

The chart above, weekly BTC chart, has a few more annotations: the 2nd and ultimate 3d bearish targets.

The probability of 30k to be hit, on a daily open/closing basis, is very high.

The probability of 20k to be hit, on a daily open/closing basis, is so-so. We expect 20k approx. on an intraday basis, and we see a solid structure that will be built in the 25k to 45k area.

The info shared above, and the tips that come next are ‘copied’ from our latest crypto alert. It is clear, with the above info, that crypto markets will be choppy in the near future. How to handle choppy crypto markets? These are the 10 tips we shared with our premium members, they apply to any crypto investor.

  1. Don’t be fully invested in crypto, if you are it’s better to offload on a day in which the market is pumping, e.g. a day like Thursday.
  2. Focus on the big picture, not a daily pump nor a daily dump.
  3. Take Wednesday’s decline (05.19.2021) seriously, it was not a joke, it created damage.
  4. Be patient, and accept choppiness for a while.
  5. Have your (re-)entry orders ready at lower sides, but seriously lower not simply a few % lower. Think BTC 22k, LINK below 20, XRP around 0.8, etc.
  6. Enjoy other things in your life, there is more than crypto.
  7. Eventually, crypto will do well again, we are convinced about this. Not now, but it will come back. Better to re-energize so you can get the most out of the next bull run!
  8. Go back and study, look at our materials of the last 12 months. Spend one or two days studying how this played out, read all our alerts and map it against the charts. The ‘in hindsight’ study is very effective, and if you invest one or two days of your time NOW you can be much more effective in the FUTURE. These 2 days of study will make you 6 or 7 figures in the next bull run because you will be a better investor.
  9. Last but not least, follow our work. We’ll be there to tell you BUY or STRONG BUY. It’s a matter of time.

Indeed, it is a matter of time!

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