Bitcoin Eager To Accelerate Its Rising Trend


Bitcoin trades above 60k, unbelievable but true. We share some medium term insights in this article which we share a teaser from our latest extensive premium crypto alert in our crypto investing research service. We also share a secular BTC chart which is now really impressive as it shows how BTC wants to accelerate its current uptrend.

As per our crypto investing research we came to the following conclusion 2 weeks ago:

Here is why we count down to March 4th, 2021: there are 2 scenarios that may play out, and we will know by March 4th + 72h.

Bullish scenario: bullish reversal which will respect the yellow rounded reversal on the chart. BTC does not go below 40k (approx., on a daily open + closing basis). In this scenario we’ll have to wait until end of March for the real decision moment.

One week ago, exactly 36h after March 4th (exactly within in the 72h decision window) BTC decided to move higher. That’s when we wrote this update in the public domain Bitcoin Wants To Resolve Higher, and shared several crypto coin tips to premium members. All of them went higher, and the strongest performer went up 100%. The only one that didn’t move higher: NEM (XEM) which came down after the airdrop on Friday. Here is the catch: XEM holders will receive XYM (Symbol) tomorrow, for free, and we are sure the combined price of XEM + XYM will be higher than last weeks XEM price (maybe not in the very short term, but certainly a bit further out).

We help our premium crypto members by bringing them peace of mind. We wrote last week: “Prices go up and down, constantly, and as per Tsaklanos his 1/99 Investing Principles it is 99% of price changes that are absolutely meaningless … still, most investors tend to check their price app so often … Reading markets in a correct way brings peace of mind, and helps you stay focused.

Yesterday, we wrote a very detailed update in our crypto investing service.

As per our market readings we observe the following on crypto’s long term leading indicator chart BTC:

The chart below makes the point, and doesn’t require any additional comment. The current rising trend is accelerating, and it is happening exactly in one of our 72h decision windows. What else do we need to know? One ore thing: the current 72h decision window has to confirm this ‘break up’.

We flashed several coin tips, and noted that all bullish crypto calls that follow are based on the assumption that Bitcoin’s breakout above 60k will hold. If not, bullish calls may invalidate.

bitcoin long term chart

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