Nasdaq: When Everyone Sells Tech Stocks We Start Paying Attention


NASDAQ, Times Square. New York City, USA

When ‘everyone’ is selling we start noticing and focusing. The Nasdaq clearly has been the weakest stock market sector since 3 months now. Yesterday, we noticed something very interesting: after good intra-day selling the Nasdaq ended as the strongest of the 4 broad market indexes. This doesn’t go unnoticed to InvestingHaven’s research team.

In our Momentum Investing update to premium members we said: “Eventually, the Nasdaq will become attractive again, presumably in a few months“.

In today’s update we said: “We might need to revise this because yesterday the Nasdaq was the strongest intra-day of the 4 major indexes.”

Not that we are flashing a buy alert on tech stocks now, it’s too early for this.

However, we closely monitor the chart of the Nasdaq. As seen below, IF (that’s a big IF) the Nasdaq succeeds in respecting current levels we might have a new channel that can potentially become dominant! That’s a lot of conditions, and those are mandatory conditions!

We’ll know in the next few weeks, we’ll be closely watching what’s happening in tech stocks after 3 months of selling… as our focus in our Momentum Investing methodology is on 3 month cycles… for a reason!

nasdaq chart forecast

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