5 Reasons Why Silver Is The Investment Opportunity Of The Decade

Silver may qualify as the investment opportunity of the decade based on the current data.

silver investment decade

There are many reasons to believe that silver may become the investment opportunity of the decade. From leading indicators to secular silver chart dynamics, silver is set to outperform most markets this decade.

RELATED – Will Silver Ever Hit $50 An Ounce? Here Is The Surprising Answer.

In this article, we pick out our top 5 reasons which make us believe that silver is set to become one of the best investing opportunities this decade.

We answer the question whether silver qualifies a good investment opportunity this decade. We do so in a data-driven way which characterizes all our work.

If our investing thesis will be materialized, we expect silver to hit $100 before 2030.

#1. Leading indicator wildly bullish

Gold is the leading indicator in the precious metals market.

Since March 4th, 2024, gold confirmed a new secular bull market. Emphasis on the word: secular.

In other words, this is just the beginning of the gold bull market.

Source: Is Gold Expected To Set New All-Time Highs (ATH)?

2 gold quarterly forecast 2024 a
Gold prediction – a new secular bull market is here

Silver is lagging gold. It is tremendously lagging gold.

That’s not a bad thing. It is a normal thing. It is expected, as silver is the laggard.

Similar to the gold bull market of 2002-2011, silver will pick up with some delay.

Whenever the silver bull run starts, it will crush gold and any other metal, market, commodity.

It is a matter of time for silver – gold is leading the way. Silver will follow – it’s one of the many reasons why silver might become the investment opportunity of the decade.

#2. Physical supply demand – shortage

Scarcity makes an asset valuable.

Expected scarcity will push the value of an asset through the roof.

We discussed the silver shortage many times. We tend to take a macro view, beyond short term physical silver demand news.

It looks like a silver supply squeeze is developing. The highest probability outcome is that this is a macro trend which will amplify over time.

#3. Silver price chart dynamics

The silver price chart has one of the strongest bullish patterns imaginable: a cup and handle over 44 years (*).

Chart dynamics are now taking over control of the price – we are right at the tipping point – this silver chart pattern will dominate price (not the other way around).

As said: Gold at ATH, Silver 42% Below ATH.

The silver price chart will bring the gold to silver ratio back in balance. It is a matter of time!

The silver price chart over 50 years
The silver price chart over 50 years exhibits an unusually bullish setup

#4. Short positions well below historic extremes

There is a lot of talk and fuzz about short positions.

While short positions are a normal thing, in any market, what truly matters is concentration.

In particular, concentration of the largest traders short is what truly matters.

TIP – We discuss below chart, along with many other data points and leading indicators, in our weekly silver price analysis, a premium membership by InvestingHaven.

As seen, concentration of the largest traders short is nowhere near extremes. As we consider this a ‘stretch indicator’ for the price of silver, it implies that there is plenty of upside potential in the price of silver.

Stated differently, $50 is simply a first obvious target, not necessarily the end point.

silver short concentration
Concentration of the largest positions short in silver is well below ATH which allows for much more upside in the silver price

#5. Fuel: the human mindset

Last but not least – the human mindset will help silver tremendously.

This is why:

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” – Warren Buffett.

Mr. Buffett got it right: the vast majority of investors are impatient. The patient investor is most often rewarded provided he picks the right market.

When combined with all the other data points laid out in this article, we believe #5 will be the fuel that silver will need to run to $50.

Sooner or later, most investors will be FOMOed and buying silver as it approaches $50 which is where we will be recommending to take profits. Sign up here to receive our timely silver alerts >>


(*) Correction made on Sept 24th, 2024. We initially wrote 24 years but the reality is that the cup and handle spans over 44 years (1980 till present day). This was a typo. 

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