Silver: This One Leading Indicator Confirms Massive Upside Potential In 2025

Concentration of the largest traders short in silver is well below extremes.

silver seasonality

One of silver’s leading indicators is concentration of largest traders positioned short. This data point is well below extremes (chart). What does this mean? Simple, it allows for significant upside potential in the price of silver.

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While it pays off to look at silver price charts, for sure the longer term charts like the phenomenal 50-year silver price chart, it is equally important to check the current state of leading indicators.

Silver price leading indicators

Leading indicators are the foundation of our silver price analysis methodology.

The point is this – other markets or data points beyond the silver price chart can help us understand the future path that silver is likely going to follow. Leading indicators include:

The last point can be split in two parts: net short positions of commercials and concentrated short positions of the largest traders).

This latter can help us understand the upside potential in the price of silver.

Note – We have said it numerous times, we’ll say it again: silver news is not helpful. News is lagging. Case in point: silver news updates like Indian silver demand or quarterly price changes are not helpful whatsover.

Silver price upside potential

As said, within the universe of COMEX silver futures market related data, there is one that helps understand the upside potential in the silver price – the concentration of large traders on the short side of the market.

Below is the most recent chart (courtesy: GoldChartsRUs) when it comes to concentration of the largest traders short in the silver futures market. A few observations:

Currently, concentration is nowhere near extremes. In fact, it is pretty low, considering the significant silver price increase between the 2022 lows and 2024 highs. This suggest there is significant upside potential in silver, maybe even massive upside potential, in 2025 and presumably also in 2026.

silver leading indicator
This silver leading indicator suggests significant to even massive upside potential in the price of silver

Silver price outlook

In all our recent silver related writings, we confirmed a very bullish outlook for the silver price. The leading indicator shown above is just one of the many data points that confirm silver’s bullish outlook.

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Let’s recap which other data points are bullish:

Source: 5 Reasons Why Silver Is The Investment Opportunity Of The Decade.

There is plenty of evidence that silver will resolve higher.

Intermarket dynamics confirm it, leading indicator data points confirm it, the lack of excessive bullish sentiment confirms it. How much more evidence do we need to expect a bullish outcome, most likely a wildly bullish outcome?

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