Will Bitcoin Hit ATH In 2024?

Bitcoin will get close to ATH in 2024. While it may exceed it, we believe it will only be temporarily.

bitcoin dominance

As Bitcoin gets closer to ATH in 2024, the best opportunities will be found among altcoins. A select few alts will do amazingly well.

RELATED – Analyst: Crypto Alt Season 2024 Is Starting This Week

Is it time to exit Bitcoin and related crypto positions?

Or is the ‘crypto party’ starting now?

Will Bitcoin outperform, and will it exceed ATH?

Will Bitcoin hit ATH in 2024?

Bitcoin is certainly set to rise, that is clear.

It certainly should not come as a surprise to readers of our blog since we wrote articles on this topic many months ago.

We asked how high BTC can go in 2024, and replied as follows:

Our base forecast for Bitcoin in 2024 is $45,600 with a bullish forecast being $66,000. We expect Bitcoin to move to all-time highs in 2025.

Moreover, we asked the question if BTC can go to $100,000 in 2024 or beyond. Our answer:

Bitcoin has the ability to rise beyond $100,000 in 2025 or 2026 after the ongoing multi-year W-reversal structure will be complete.

Now that’s exactly what we see on the Bitcoin chart – a multi-year reversal in the form of a W-structure.

Needless to say, this is a bullish structure.

will BTC hit ATH in 2024

We are not in the camp of BTC to $200k like some are claiming today:

When exactly will BTC hit ATH in 2024?

Our forecast is based on cycle analysis combined with price analysis.

The majority of analysts focus on price analysis.

We use the two axes of the chart for our forecasts.

So, if we combine time and price analysis, in order to answer the question “will BTC hit ATH in 2024“, we believe that BTC will do so in the period April/June somewhere.

when will BTC hit ATH

‘What if’ BTC hits ATH in 2024?

Here it gets interesting.

The vast majority of investors are focused on ATH and higher prices. They forget that there is such a thing as a ‘turning point’.

We prefer to ask the question what happens if/when BTC will hit ATH.

The point is this: if ATH provide resistance, we should be taking profits, not staying invested.

That’s where the last chart, shown above, becomes interesting. This is how we read it:

Investors should look in 2 directions – up and down.

While this article was focused on the question ‘will BTC hit ATH in 2024’, we also focused on the question when to expect a turning point. Both questions are equally important.


Looking for the outperformers in crypto markets in 2024, as BTC is starting its rise to ATH? We recommend to read our latest premium crypto alerts, that’s where you will find tips to spot outperformers.


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