A Silver Price Prediction For 2025 2026 2027 – 2030

Silver will move to the $48 area in 2025.

silver price forecast

Our silver price prediction remains firmly bullish. Silver will test ATH in 2025, and print new ATH between 2026 and 2027. Bullish price targets are $50 in 2025 and $88 before 2028.

RELATED – Will Silver Ever Hit $50 An Ounce?

InvestingHaven’s silver forecast is based on 2 decades of deep analysis, focused on understanding silver price influencers.

This silver price forecast is created based on a deep understanding and thorough analysis of silver price influencers.

The internet is full of pseudo silver price forecasts characterized by large tables which are generated by AI. Those impossible-to-read tables are so called ‘silver price forecasts‘. Our silver forecasting work is very, very different.

February 18th Charts and commentary in this article are updated. Our silver price forecasts remain the same.

Silver price prediction research – outline

The topics we cover in our research predicting silver for the period 2025 through 2030:

Readers only interested in the take-aways can read our silver prediction summary (next section, below). Whoever is interested in our deep research is recommended to read the entire article.

1. Silver prediction 2025 2026 till 2030: summary

This is the outcome of our gold price prediction analysis outlined in the remainder of this article.

The ranges indicated in this summary are estimates produced by research conducted by InvestingHaven.com. Inputs consist of intermarket trends, silver’s 5 leading indicators, and secular silver price charts.

RELATED – Can Silver Ever Hit $100 an Ounce?

Silver prediction research suggests the next few years will be mildly to wildly bullish. However, this bullish thesis invalidates once silver drops and stays below $19.50, a low probability outcome.

2. Bullish silver prediction – 5 leading indicators

According to our methodology, a bullish silver price prediction requires 5 leading indicators to be supportive:

  1. Gold has to be in a confirmed secular bull market -> gold confirmed its bull market in March 2024.
  2. Inflation expectations need to respect their long term uptrend -> confirmed.
  3. The EURUSD cannot be in a downtrend -> EURUSD is bottoming at the time of updating this post.
  4. Silver’s futures market may not show excessive concentration in terms of short positioning -> short positions were excessive until recently.
  5. Demand for physical silver needs to go through the roof -> confirmed.

February 18th With the data at hand, today, on February 18th, 2025, all our 5 leading indicators are bullish, supporting our bullish silver price forecasts and price targets (stretched silver price target $88 before 2030).

3. Silver charts supporting a bullish silver forecast

While many our silver prediction research requires chart analysis of many charts, there are 3 charts that truly stand. The following 3 charts tell a very bullish silver story.

Silver’s secular price chart

The 50-year silver chart is shown below.

The chart pattern on this chart is a bullish cup and handle formation, ready to resolve higher.

While a bullish cup and handle chart structure is not unusual, what makes this chart setup so unusual and exceptional is the length of this chart pattern. There is not any other market nor stock or commodity that has such a strong bullish pattern over such a long period of time.

February 18th The silver breakout is ongoing on the highest timeframe (quarterly silver chart). This amazing silver chart setup is about to hit the acceleration point. In order for this secular silver breakout to accelerate a move higher, the price of silver has to remain above 30 USD/oz, without touching it, until June 30th, 2025.

silver price 50 years
The silver price over 50 years exhibits an unusually bullish setup

Another incredible secular silver chart

We look at another secular silver chart, below. What else does a silver investor need to be convinced that silver is headed higher?

bullish silver price forecast
The secular breakout in 2024 confirms our long term bullish silver price forecast for 2025  & beyond

Gold to silver ratio secular chart

The gold to silver ratio, shown below, is sourced from our article Gold-to-Silver Ratio and Historic Silver Rallies:

The historical evidence suggests that the gold-to-silver ratio entering the 80 to 100x range may act as a signal for a significant rally in the price of silver. This ratio suggests that silver is extremely undervalued relative to gold.

The gold to silver ratio chart over 50 years is shown below. It can confirm a silver price prediction, directionally (it is not a timing indicator though).

A few insights that stand out:

The gold to silver ratio is an amazing indicator in misleading the majority of investors. It is almost designed to ensure that the majority of investors will miss the historic silver rallies.

February 18th The gold/silver ratio remains flat, historically high. This discourages silver investors which is great news, especially since the gold market remains firm (silver has to follow, sooner rather than later).

gold silver ratio 50 years
Gold to silver price ratio over 50 years: a bearish M-pattern should push this ratio to 40 points (new silver ATH)

Silver’s correlation with gold and inflation expectations

Next up is the correlation between gold and inflation expectations (TIP). Even the S&P 500 is strongly correlated to gold and TIP.

In a way, this chart is the ultimate fundamental intermarket driver for silver!

February 18th The correlation between inflation expectations, gold and the S&P 500 is striking. This next chart visualizes the point that gold thrives in a bullish market environment and also economic growth. Contrary to common belief, gold needs good conditions, not economic uncertainty, in order to thrive. The chart below invalidates the perception (a myth) that gold needs economic uncertainty to perform well.

correlation gold vs inflation expectations
The price of silver is strongly correlated with the S&P 500 and inflation expectations (TIP)

4. Silver leading indicator #1: Gold

There is no bull market in silver without a strong and secular bull market in silver!

Gold must be in a bull market for silver to do what it’s good at.

A bullish silver price prediction requires a healthy gold bull market.

History has proven, over and over again, that silver is amazing in doing this:

  1. Mislead the majority of investors as they get discouraged of waiting for silver to move higher.
  2. Move sharply and suddenly higher, once the majority of investors give up, leaving ‘everyone’ behind.
  3. When FOMO kicks in and the majority of investors jump onboard, setting a major top.

In order to avoid the ‘major silver trap’ explained above, there is one important leading indicator to track – the grand bull market. Below is the secular gold price chart which has a message – the secular gold bull market is here!

February 18th Gold’s long term bullish market remains strong, arguably very strong. The gold bull market is now confirmed with +3 monthly candlesticks above the breakout level. Gold’s bull market, ultimately, will push silver to new ATH, is our investing thesis.

gold price forecast 2025
Gold price quarterly chart confirms gold’s secular bull market and gold’s bullish forecast

5. Silver’s leading indicator #2: Inflation expectations

The most important leading indicator to predict the price of silver is inflation expectations, assuming a gold secular bull market.

Inflation expectations are positively correlated with gold, consequently it’s a fundamental driver for the price of silver.

The chart shown below visualize our point:

As long as inflation expectations keep on rising, directionally (not on a day-to-day basis), the odds keep on rising that silver will move to ATH. This indicator is a critical one for a bullish silver price prediction.

February 18th The fundamental catalyst for gold and silver is inflation expectations (TIP ETF). As 2025 kicks off, this catalyst remains supportive for gold and also silver. Precious metals investors want to see TIP ETF moving within its perfectly rising channel, with max. 3 monthly closing prices below support of the rising channel.

inflation expectations secular chart
Inflation expectations trending in a long term channel – this supports rising precious metals prices

6. Silver leading indicator #3: EURUSD

Precious metals need a rising or flat EURUSD in order to shine. We observe a consolidation on the EURUSD chart, supporting a bullish silver price prediction.

Conversely, precious metals cannot rise if the USD is strongly trending higher.

If we look at the secular EURUSD chart, indicating its long term trend, we observe:

  1. An ongoing consolidation in 2024.
  2. A strong bounce since 2023.

This is very supportive for precious metals. There is a low probability for the USD to stage a strong bull run (which would bearish for precious metals).

February 18th The secular EURUSD chart is an important indicator for the gold price, especially at times when the EURUSD is falling fast. Back in 2008, 2013, 2022, the EURUSD noticed significant declines which resulted in large drops in the price of gold & silver. The rule of thumb, on the highest timeframe, is that the EURUSD should not be in a steep decline in order to create a supportive environment for gold & silver. At the time of updating this post, the EURUSD is trying to set a bottom, bullish for gold & silver.

EURUSD leading indicator gold
Secular EURUSD chart – leading indicator for the gold price

7. Silver leading indicator #4: Futures market

One specific data point in the silver futures market is concentration of traders shorts. As long as this reading is not excessive, there is upside potential in the price of silver.

We explained this leading indicator in this article:

Silver: This One Leading Indicator Confirms Massive Upside Potential In 2025

Below is the chart visualizing concentration of the largest traders short in the silver futures market. It is easy to observe the dynamics that this leading indicator creates, and correlation with the price of silver:

This leading indicator is nowhere near extremes. It suggest that significant upside potential in silver, maybe even massive upside potential, in 2025 and 2026. This data point supports a very bullish silver price prediction.

February 18th The latest data out of the silver futures market shows that concentration among the largest traders net short are on the rise. They have a very long way to go until they hit extremes (which will become bearish for the price of silver). This indicator requires watching. It seems almost as if the largest traders short are preparing for a large consolidated silver short position as silver heads to $50, for them to sell big at $50 when many retail investors will be entering (and they will be hit, as always, by the whales).

silver price forecast leading indicator
Silver futures market leading indicator (chart courtesy: GoldChartsRUs)

8. Silver leading indicator #5: Physical silver market

The ongoing silver shortage in the physical silver market keeps on ‘deteriorating’, supporting the silver bull market thesis.

Sometimes, it pays off to keep things simple. How much more research do we need to bring the point home – this post on $SILVER says it all:

Here is the CEO of Dolly Varden, a respected silver miner, backed respected investors including Sprott, coming out and talk about a potential silver supply squeeze brewing.

The shortage did not resolve in 2024. In fact, there is an increasing number of signs that the shortage is only intensifying. Sooner rather than later, silver’s physical market shortage should be reflected in the price of silver.

9. Silver price chart: the most powerful reversal in history?

Are you ready for a bold statement? There you go: Silver Long Term Chart Is The Most Powerful Bullish Reversal In History.

With the risk of repeating ourselves to the point of losing our readers’ focus, we show once again the long term silver price chart.

Below is the secular silver chart, without annotations:

As seen on below chart, a giant cup and handle formation is unfolding on the silver chart. That’s why we conclude that silver qualifies as THE investment opportunity of this decade.

February 18th The longest term silver price chart has this unusually long (hence strong) cup and handle reversal pattern. It suggests that silver will ultimately move to ATH. Ultimately, it will exceed ATH, investors have to be patient though.

silver price chart 50 years
The silver price chart structure points to an obvious first silver price target of $50

10. A global silver bull market is already here

While many investors are waiting for a silver bull market to take off, we are on record stating that the global silver bull market is already here!

We explained our viewpoint here – Silver Reaches All-Time Highs in Most Global Currencies.

There is some sort of optical illusion when looking at the silver market through the lens of silver priced in USD.

What investors will miss is that silver priced in several global currencies has set fresh new ATH in 2024.

Case in point – silver made new ATH when priced in Australian Dollars, Indian Rupee, Russian Ruble, South African Rand. One illustration is shown below. Silver priced in GPB, EUR, CAD trades right below ATH.

The silver market looks very different when looked at it in global currencies (non USD).

February 18th Silver priced in global currencies is hitting new ATH. Below is silver in AUD, but there are plenty of other currencies where silver is already setting new ATH since a while. Silver in USD has to follow, sooner rather than later.

Silver price in Australian Dollars new ATH
Silver priced in Australian Dollars printed new ATH in 2024

11. Silver price forecast: overview & conclusion

Silver charts combined with silver price leading indicators confirm a strongly bullish silver story.

A mildly to wildly silver bull market can be expected in the period 2025 through 2030.

The overview of our silver price prediction research:

All leading indicators, chart patterns and market dynamics are in favor of silver. We conclude that the price of silver will continue to mildly rise, combined with one or a few wildly bullish periods.

Silver price prediction overview:

This is our forecasted silver price for the coming years:

YearSilver price prediction
2025$27.90 to $50.25
2026$37.40 to $50
2027$44.40 to $75
2030Peak price: $80

12. Silver forecasts from financial institutions

This section allows readers to compare the silver price prediction from InvestingHaven.com with silver forecasts from financial institutions specifically for 2025:

Clearly, InvestingHaven.com is way more bullish than all financial institutions combined. And so is Rick Rule.

Surprisingly, there are not a lot of financial institutions releasing a silver price prediction for 2025. This short list, shown above, is much shorter than the list of gold price predictions for 2025 published by large banks.

Outside of the universe of financial institutions, we find the following silver price predictions:

More 2025 silver predictions will be added as they come online.

13. Silver price predictions FAQ

Is it a good idea to invest in silver in 2025?

Per our silver prediction research, the odds are high that silver will experience bullish momentum in 2025 and beyond. Buy the dip, before the point of acceleration kicks in, because silver will suddenly move fast and furiously higher.

Which is a stretched silver price target?

We believe that silver may move to $88 an Ounce, at some point before 2030, driven by rising inflation expectations. The obvious pre-requisite is that silver clears $50, a point where volatility will kick in, not easy to clear but not impossible.

Is the silver price prediction sponsored?

Not at all. InvestingHaven.com is independent, not affiliated with any site or institution, as evidenced by the absence of advertisements. Our silver price prediction is based on a forecasting method that has been refined over 2 decades.

Why not stick to X for silver predictions?

The charts shared on the cash tag $SILVER on X are of very low quality. They miss the point about dominant chart patterns. Moreover, the majority of those charts are very short term oriented. At least 99% of silver related content on X qualifies as noise for serious investors. Here is one interesting silver post confirming that silver may able to rise very fast (one of the few long term oriented posts), confirmed by this tweet with chart. Note that news items like this silver article by Reuters is often also not adding any value.


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