Edgewater Wireless Systems Stock Price Attempting To Break Out

Edgewater Wireless Systems, one of our favorite nano cap stocks in our 10-bagger section, offers wireless solutions. It solves the problem of dense WiFi connections by expanding significantly capacity in particular on public places (think of large buildings, concert halls, railway stations, stadiums, and the likes).

The company has a tiny market cap of $50M. Although it is not profitable, it solves a real life problem, and that is the prerequisite for future success when it comes to technology companies.

Edgewater Wireless’ stock price has a track record of signaling important news releases way in advance. Last summer, InvestingHaven’s research team published Edgewater Wireless Systems: Ten Bagger In The Making, signaling that something major was in the making. A couple of weeks later, the stock price was twice as high. We wrote in July: “there was no ‘official news’ apart from some press releases which announced product launches. We believe these press releases did not cause the recent rally. We rather believe insider buying combined with insitutional buying is taking place at this point. That is obviously very good news, as those buyers are mostly of the type ‘buy and hold’.”

A little bit later, it appeared that the company was rewarded with sponsoring in the ‘UpRamp Fiterator Program’. That program rewards 4 tech providers with direct access to the world of cable and telco providers, as a way to accelerate the usage of innovative technologies.

We wrote that the program is likely to accelerate the rollout of Edgewater’s technology and sales channel(s), “a trend which we expect to start in 2017”, see our article 3 Small-Cap Stocks With 10-Bagger Potential In 2017.

Today, Edgewater Wireless could be starting its next big rally, in line with our expectations which we outlined above and in previous articles. 6 months after the UpRamp Fiterator Program it would make sense that the impact and first results of the program become visible. It could be new contract(s), new sales partner(s), and the likes.

Nano-cap investors watch very closely what this stock does the coming 3 days, as a sustained break above $0.37 would be extremely bullish.

edgewater wireless systems stock price break out

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