InvestingHaven’s premium investing service shows investors how to read markets, identify medium term trends and invest in them with decent risk management in mind.

In this service, (a) we look at many leading indicators (b) we predict volatility windows (c) we analyze sectors in order to identify the sectors that will enter bullish momentum.

Since 2024, we also introduce hedging suggestions, like the hedging call for August 2nd, 2024, recommended in July of 2024.


This Service is for Stock Market Investors

Momentum Investing is a research service for stock market investors.

Our methodology is based on advanced chart analysis on intermarket dynamics.

We offer a detailed weekend analysis covering:

  • The market’s leading indicators.
  • Turning points.
  • Timeline insights.

We actively manage a portfolio with 3 to 8 positions, mid to long term oriented.

With our investing service we offer the benefits of identifying powerful medium to long term trends in a risk managed way. Even during the Covid crash our portfolio grew without shorting markets. In 2021, we introduced lithium investing and our top lithium selection stocks went up multi-fold in 2022. As of 2023, we added an additional focus area: silver.

There Is Always A Bull Market Somewhere

Capital flows.

This means that capital always creates trends, somewhere.

The trick is to have a methodology in place that allows you to find those medium term trends, and have rules in place to be invested for a limited period of time (3 to 6 months).

That’s exactly what our Momentum Investing method does.

The natural result of our methodology (including all its rules) is that we look for investing opportunities across markets and sectors, including commodities.


Our 1/99 Investing Principles Come To Life

We have covered our 1/99 Investing Principles. These principles reflect the asymmetric nature of financial markets. Aligning with this in a methodology is the basis for success.

There are many illustrations of these principles: 99% of news is worthless for investors, only 1% of price points on a chart carry a predictive value, 99% of ‘gurus’ are not successful in their investing decisions, etc.

Think about this. Financial markets are one big disappointment for 99% of market participants. A successful methodology that is applied very strictly is the key to success.

Financial markets are one big disappointment for 99% of market participants. A successful methodology that is applied very strictly is the key to success. It’s only 1% of market participants have figured out how to be really successful.

A Fine Line Between Success and Failure

There are so many mistakes that investors can potentially make.

In fact the probability of making horrible decisions is much, much bigger than getting things right over the long run. Even then, with one really bad decision you can lose so much after having been ‘right’ so many times before.

We have seen it all, we made all mistakes we could ever make. Does any of the following sound familiar to you?

  • You fall in love with a stock (market) because it delivered great results so you keep on buying even after a major top.
  • You buy right at a giant top.
  • You bought because you were influenced by a ‘guru’ or a ‘respected’ institution.
  • You were shaken out of your position because some temporary volatility.

We looked at every mistake in the past as an opportunity to learn. We remain open to publish everything in the public domain with one and only one objective in mind: continuously perfection until we can keep repeat successes and avoid failures. It’s a fine line!


Follow Capital Flows In 3, 6, 9 Month Cycles

We follow 3 to 6 month cycles.

Anyone observed this: any giant move in the last 5 decades (lithium, silver, tech, copper, crude, EVs, etc) took almost exactly 3 months to complete. The *really* powerful trends mostly last 3 months.

In order to spot them we worked out a methodology based on 3 distinct confirmations: intermarket, intramarket and technicals.

More interestingly, those 3 month trends move from sector to sector. Capital flows from one sector to another one, and does not leave many traces behind.

Our method is designed to find those early signals of smart money flowing capital from one sector to another one. Capital flows, our method follows it.

One of the many feedback quotes from members: “Your emails and messages are so clear and well thought through that I feel that I am getting a better understanding each day. The way you manage risk and take profits gives me great peace of mind and I am determined to exercise the patience and discipline to follow your strategies.”

Risk Managed Method

Because our methodology is designed to play medium term trends, as said before 3 to 6 months, we also avoid the risk of being overly diversified.

By the way diversification is one of the biggest illusions. As per Stan Druckenmiller:

I think diversification and all the stuff they’re teaching at business school today is probably the most misguided concept everywhere. The mistake 98% of money managers and individuals make is they feel like they have got to be playing with a bunch of stuff. And if you really see it, put all your eggs in one basket and watch the basket very carefully.

We allow 1 or 2 simultaneous trades, only exceptional 3 trades at the same time. It’s the ultimate way to manage portfolio risk.


Hedging tips as of 2024

We listen to our members. In one of the user feedback surveys, members requested us to also send portfolio hedging tips.

Since 2024, we introduce hedging tips based on the predicted volatility windows. These predicted periods with elevated volatility levels are based on our proprietary timeline analysis methodology.

Case in point: in July 2024, we flashed a hedging tip (SPXS ETF) for the volatility window which according to our timeline calculations would start on August 2nd, 2024. It turned out be an unusually accurate market call.


Acquire investing insights and timely wisdom

Not only do we deliver great returns, we also spend a lot of time and effort on making our members much better investors. The educational part of our premium service is priceless. Every weekend we send out a detailed update, highly educational.

Moreover, there is a must-read manual in the restricted area of Momentum Investing, available to all premium members: 99 Common Mistakes 99 Pct of Investors Tend To Make. We worked on this for more than a decade, it is pure gold. It helps investors become much, much more effective and efficient.

A recent quote from a member: “I would like to thank you for the knowledge you share in becoming a better investor and trader. Of all the services I had been a member in the past, yours has been the most gratifying. Not solely because of the profits gained, but how you share your experience and knowledge with humility.


Our most recent alerts – instantly accessible

  • Silver Mining Buy Alert + Broad Markets Enter A Loaded Time Window Of 4 Weeks (Oct 16th)
  • Midweek Alert – Gitlab, Wheat, Silver, Lithium (Oct 9th)
  • Oct 1st Turning Point? Buy The Dip Guidance. Lithium Starting Its Recovery. (Oct 7th)
  • Buy The Dip In The Next 4 To 6 Weeks In The Following Stocks (Oct 1st)
  • Precious Metals Miners Working On Secular Breakouts (Sept 16th)
  • This Is What To Look For During The Seasonally Weak Period Of 2024 (Sept 11th)
  • 9 Stock Tips Across 5 Sectors + Precious Metals Miners Breaking Out (Aug 25th)
  • Are GDXJ, SILJ and BABA Worth a Position? (Aug 18th)
  • Buy the Dip Season Is Here: Top Opportunities at a Glance and in Detailed Visualization. (Aug 11th)
  • 5 Hedging Ideas Reviewed – One Hedging Idea Stands Out. (Aug 8th)
  • Opportunities After The Coming US Fed Policy Decision: Rotation And Hedging. (July 27th)
  • Rotation & The Next Volatility Window. Sector View & Undervalued Sectors. (July 22nd)
  • [Rotation] Big Tech Profits Rotating Into Small Caps: Is This A New Trend? (July 12th)
  • [Silver Edition] Detailed Silver Analysis: Short Term Breakout Possible Or Not? (July 10th)
  • When Will Be The Right Time To Hedge? Commodities and 2 Stocks Reviewed. (July 3d)
  • Are There Short Term Opportunities In Tech After A Topping Setup In Leadership? (June 23d)
  • The Shocking Reality Of This Market Cycle (June 19th)
  • 10 Sectors Reviewed As We Head Into H2/2024. A Few Surprising Insights. (June 9th)
  • Silver Turning Point Analysis. Enterprise Software Hit By CRM. Portfolio Implications. (June 3d)
We closely track secular bullish trends: AI-stocks, industrial stocks, lithium & graphite (working on a secular bottom), silver (preparing a move to $50/oz). All of them will do very well this decade, we track those trends and try to time their cycles.

Exclusive offer: our 10-year anniversary

Option 1: Our top notch gold/silver reports and crypto alerts. For just $55 instead of $120 you will receive our Gold & Silver Market reports as well as the Crypto Investing reports until Dec 31st, 2024.

Option 2: VIP membership – all 4 premium services. For $99 instead of $195 you will get access to our Gold & Silver Market report, Stock Market report, Crypto Investing report, until Dec 31st, 2024. Moreover, VIP members can get started with Co-Trader.

Go to our 10-year anniversary offering >>

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who is behind the methodology of this service?

Our answer: This is InvestingHaven’s founder Taki Tsaklanos his mental and research product. It incorporates corrections on all mistakes made over 15 years, and is based on +10,000 hours of research on how markets work.

Question: Is this a unique methodology or do you re-use it from others?

Our answer: It is 100% unique, not copied from anyone. We worked on this for a decade, and optimized it by learning the hard way.

Question: What were your results during the Covid crash?

Our answer: Hard to believe but true: for the investments taken during the first quarter of 2020, we had an unrealized profit of 1% on March 31st, 2020 without taking an inverse (short) trade, beating 90% of other market participants. After the second quarter we had an unrealized profit of +17%. The third quarter is shaping up to become even better. Yes, in the Covid crash year we are on track to double our capital.

Question: What do I need to follow these signals?

Our answer: In case you decide to follow our model’s suggestions, obviously after having done your due diligence, you may need an account that has access to multiple global markets. We will focus primarily on mid cap and large cap stocks. However, from time to time we will play a small cap stock in Canada, Australia or Europe.

Question: What is the required level of knowledge?

Our answer: If you can insert a buy order, sell order and change the stop loss of an open position, you meet all the criteria to join this service. You certainly don’t need to be a trader. You need to have a basic knowledge of markets, how to insert a trade, what the difference is between a stock, an ETF, a CFD, etc.

Question: Are you trading futures or options?

Our answer: No certainly not. That’s because the risk of trading options or futures is extremely high. You also need to be extremely experienced to trade options or future. We play 3 to 6 month trends by following capital flows. You need to carefully read markets, not take immense risks by trading futures and options.

Question: I am based outside of the U.S., can I participate?

Our answer: Yes absolutely. Our Momentum Investing method is the most accessible of our 3 premium services. Anyone who has access to global markets through an international broker can follow the trades.

Question: What is my minimum required capital?

Our answer: We trade on average a few times per quarter in volatile times, and a few times per year in less volatile years. In volatile years like in 2020 the transaction fee on a low capital can become significant, but that’s only a temporary issue.

Question: How much time do I have to spend?

Our answer: You need to reserve some time to study the materials we will share. Our materials require some thinking. If you don’t want to do any homework you probably should not be invested in any market after all. Getting rich without going through the hard work is an illusion.

Question: What if I disagree with a suggested trade?

Our answer: There is no point in ‘disagreeing’ with a trade. If you don’t believe in a trade, simply ignore it. But don’t start arguing about who is right or wrong, it’s a waste of everyone’s time. In the end our service is not financial advice. It is a methodology based on intermarket analysis, advanced chart analysis and trend following principles. Our service is designed to share these results, certainly not meant to be financial advice.

Question: Are you offering financial advice?

Our answer: No, not at all. We share the outcome of our methodology, in the form of buy and sell signals, to find powerful trends. This should not be confused with financial advice. In no way is our service meant to trigger a solicitation to buy or sell securities. In case you believe our buy or sell signal is valid and accurate you should do your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before taking on a similar trade.

Question: Can you summarize what not to expect from this service?

Our answer: Sure, there you go:

  • We will not write a lot (we’ll be to the point about potential opportunities + entries/exits). Note that we always send a weekend educational alert, every weekend.
  • We will not write in a regular cadence (most paid newsletters are about writing, we are about achieving). We write according to market trends.
  • Will not cover just one sector (we are here to boost our capital which you do across sectors).
  • We are not here to argue about a trade. If you believe a trade is not a good idea, you don’t take it but don’t start arguing (those emails will remain unanswered).
  • We don’t look at news. You should not send us news items and ask how it impacts our methodology or which trade we expect because of news events. Absolutely unrelated, and don’t send us those messages, they will remain unanswered for a good reason.
  • We are not providing financial advice. There is no reason whatsoever why should take our trades. Our methodology flashes buy/sell signals, whatever people do with this is unrelated.
  • We don’t argue about what others are doing. Don’t send us messages about other analysts, gurus, etc asking why our trades are different. You should never compare decision frameworks with each other, only the results that come out of it on a long term!
  • This is not a community nor is this service about social investing.

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